Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Things you can't measure
Well we have made it to the final four and tonight will decide who will be in next week's 5A Championship. I have three topics so let's get rolling
If you were preparing for a huge contest such as we are, how much do you base on trends? I mean if you have 3 or 4 videos of your opponent, how many coaches and teams break down every player on every play? It seems like a lot of work to some people, but only seems like preparation to others.
Our company runs budgets and forecasts based upon past history with a touch of market predictability. The number crunchers will pound out pages upon pages of bar graphs and charts that will hopefully capture what the market will bring for the upcoming year.
The best teams do the same. they can tell you how many times a certain player handles his assignment versus how many times he could be the weak link in a team's offense or defense. They can tell you their success ration on a 4th and long versus a 4th and short.
All of these trends come into play, but you still have to transfer that information to each player with the confidence that "They get it". The part this most predictable in every team is that they will always stick to what was successful in getting them to where they are now.
If it gets down to one final play, you can bet that both teams will bank on what has carried them to victory. We will see tonight how trends play apart in this upcoming game.
Things you can't measure
Everybody has written about how you can't measure heart and experience. But there are other components that a lot of people don't consider that can't be measured.
Let's list some components that a lot of people never consider.
1. What if neither teams has ever seen each other play except on film? I think there is some doubt in both teams when you first see your opponent in person. Being nervous is not a negative or a positive, it is a natural instinct of he unknown.
2. Playing in a foreign environment for the first time. You can't measure each player's mind of what they are feeling when they take the field for the first time in somebody else's backyard.
3. Traveling a longer distance than normal. If you are traveling to your opponent and the distance is greater than your normal bus ride, some people handle this situation differently. You must be able to harness your emotions until the right time. It may be a factor if you get worked up at 1:30 in the afternoon and you don't play until 7:00.
4. Rituals being broken. A lot of players have a ritual that they go through before competing in any contest. Fans do the same thing. They wear a lucky hat or jacket every time their favorite team plays. What if a star player's ritual is broken?
5. How the team supports each other. We all love praise, especially when somebody says "we can't do it without you" or "good job keep it up". This is a powerful component that you can't measure. A coach can say "great job", but when it comes from your teammate, it means more. It's just something you can't measure.
We could go on and on, but let's get to my last thought.

"There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that's first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win.
"Every time a football player goes to play his trade he's got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.
"Running a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization - an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win - to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is.
"It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they are there - to compete. To know the rules and objectives when they get in the game. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules - but to win.
"And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat.
"I don't say these things because I believe in the 'brute' nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he's exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."
--Vince Lombardi
I'm ready to film now.
That's A Wrap
Tonight we play the Bearden Bulldogs.
We are one game away from Murfreesboro. I can't wait.
Good Luck guys.
I have enjoyed capturing all you moments from "Behind The Lens".
How about giving me once more chance to capture you holding that Gold Bowl high above your head?
If you see us at the game give a shout or a wave. Until next week.
God bless and Take Care.
From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers” Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Playing a team twice in the same season
The Press Box and its purpose
This time the team plays for the band
Thanksgiving Day and we are still alive. I have three topics so let's roll.
Playing a team twice in the same season
So what are your chances of beating a team twice in the same season?
I think they are even odds on two evenly matched teams. I tend to look at the total experience when this occurrence happens. How anybody can give an advantage to either team amazes me.
In basketball you play each other in your region or district twice in a season regardless. If you were to give any advantage why would it not go to the most seasoned squad?
At this point in the season heart is a huge factor that you cannot overlook. A lot of coaches will tell you that the team that comes ready to play will win. I like that thought, but I like experience and hear more than just being ready to play to game. You can be ready to play and still lose in my opinion. I don't think the second time around plays that much into it when you have the heart and knowledge.
I think Army and Navy play harder when it's against each other more so than any other time. In horse racing you may run three or four times up against the same horse on your way to the KY Derby. Why does football get more attention when it comes to this factor?
Last thought on this topic, you can measure a lot of things, but you can't measure the heart when it gets right down to it.
Enough of this, let's move on.
I am going to pass the keyboard on these next two and speak from my heart and experiences.
The Press Box and its purpose
I have had the opportunity to visit a lot of different Press Boxes since I have been filming.
I am usually greeted with a simple "Hey or Welcome - you can setup over there OR you guys are in here' type of scenario... At Gallatin, we were treated like kings and at Wilson Central we were treated like dirt. Not trying to start any wars, but it is what it is.
My main purpose for being there is to capture the video for the breakdown. We arrived at Wilson Central's press box earlier in the year, only to be shuffled around like a deck of cards. I asked about several spots in the box, only to be told those spots were for anybody but media and football personnel.
In my opinion, the clock keeper, the announcer, radio, newspaper, both sets of coaches, film crew, and spotters are the only ones who have 'dibs' on the spots in this arena. Having front spot glass to these folks is an important part of what the fans pay for. After all, it is these people that are driving what is taking place on the field.
Wilson Central gave 'dibs' to everybody but us. After asking for several spots in the box, we were turned down and forced to the top of the press box where there was no electricity. This school is quite new and electricity was scarce. I will admit that back at the Dog Pound the school is old and the electricity has to be pulled from the bottom. But, we always make sure that everyone is plugged in and happy.
We are seeing more schools use higher technology in breaking down video, as the equipment has become more affordable to the school systems. Usually on our shoulders we are packing around $4,000 worth of equipment. It is not something that is feasible to be used in the elements.
We will be inside tomorrow night and Wilson Central will be on top, only because radio, two newspapers, several TV stations and other necessary personnel will be on the glass. I will end it at this; there won't be two women discussing last night's bridge match in front of the glass. Enough of that, let's move on.
This time the team plays for the band
In most instances, the band always plays for the fans and the athletes. They play the warm up music. They play the fight song when the banner falls or when there are touchdowns. They provide music at high moments in the game.
The biggest thing though, that these bands spend many hours working on a half-time field show. Even at 10,000 feet we all know that the band has a camp every year before school starts. This is where many long hours are spent perfecting the music, the choreography, timing and positions only to bring it all together to produce the show that entertains us all. These shows have their own theme and are used as a strong representation of the school.
It is customary for both the home band and the visiting band to perform at half-time. Since I have been filming in the state of Tennessee, I have never experienced a one-band half-time performance. However, this year at Wilson Central our band unloaded all equipment, and positioned themselves at the end of the end zone. They were all prepared to take the field, only to watch the time "gobbled" up by other events besides the performance of the bands. The time simply ran out, and as the players started to warm up, our band begin the process of loading their equipment back onto the semis.
When you get right down to it, "somebody got robbed". A parent, who drove to Wilson Central paid money and expected to see their child perform, got "robbed" because they did not get to see what they paid for. The semis don't run on good will, they run on fuel. The band members got "robbed" of their chance to display the show they have worked so hard to bring to you, the fan. If we take away the bands of high school football, then we end up being no different than a youth football game. It would be me playing music for you until the players took the field for the second half.
So maybe it is not about playing for the second time, or playing for the press box turf. Maybe, just for once, it is about the players playing for the band that have always played for them. When the horn sounds, I hope I look up and know the Bulldogs are playing for THEIR band.
That's A Wrap
Well tomorrow night, as you can tell from above; we will be back at the Dog Pound. Yes, we will be inside.
If you see us at the game give a shout or a wave.
I know in the end I will be writing next week about the Dogs moving on to the Semifinals. I feel good about this one. Until next week.
God bless and Take Care.
From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers” Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Football Stars For Tomorrow -
We want a new Coach...but what are you looking for?
Life's wonderful changes
Success is measured in so many ways
Well here we are still alive in the playoffs. Round 2 is coming up tonight. I have three topics so let's roll.
We want a new Coach...but what are you looking for?
Has the fallout of college football now hit the high school level?
Fans of their favorite high school are now expecting some of the same things that are now at the college level in my opinion. There are more jobs available today in high school than back in the Day O.
Schools and administrations expect to win more so than in the past it seems. But what are you looking for?
Some say 'We want a coach who can start a tradition'. Some say 'We want to make the playoffs every year'. Get ready to spend some money or offer something that other schools don't offer. You need to be careful in what you choose. Some coaches bring their own style to your school and it might not fit. What worked at one school might not work when they arrive at the next school.
I think the hiring process should contain a board of several different people who understand a philosophy about the future direction of their athletic program. Some schools are content with being competitive, while others expect to win every game.
No matter what the verdict is on the new coach that arrives at school XYZ, expect and embrace change. It seems to make things go easier instead of not buying into the philosophy. You will just end up a sore head fan that will wait on change that suits you better. The bottom line is everybody is not going to be happy. I just hope it suits you.
Do you play the hand that is dealt or do you force the hand?
Have you ever heard someone say "We run the Wing T always have and always will" or "We love the veer"?
If you are running an offense that fits your squad your chances seem to work out better than forcing the offense into something that you know and love. I hear coaches say "Our team buys into our philosophy". I think that is great and it may work for you. If looks like the philosophy part really deals with the personality of the leader.
Some teams can brag and say this is our offense and we are not changing. I like coaches who create their team each year based off the hand that is dealt and aren't afraid to change.
In corporate America, if they change the head coach of a department of company, expect a change. If you are going to be successful in corporate America you need to be able to change and adapt to all kinds of ergonomics and economics.
Kids are different today than 20 years ago in my opinion, I am sure my parents say the same thing. But glance at the irony, if you do run the same offensive plays year in and year out, the learning process is easier. The chances to succeed in some people's eyes are greater because you build a tradition of being noted for running that offense and it might work.
But I sincerely think it's about how the leader executes the philosophy of winning. I think X's and O's are great, but I truly think that 'buying into the philosophy' theory depends on the person.
Oh well, enough of that.
Life's wonderful changes
My life is taking a change tomorrow and it is great.
Yes, a lot of you who read this rag know tomorrow I am getting married. It is great to have someone by your side that supports me in this website and all we do for the kids.
We have a lot of ideas we want to expand upon when it comes to filming, editing and promoting, so it should get better.
I want to take this moment say "Thanks" to Judy and I love you.
Let's have some fun as we continue our new view from "BEHIND THE LENS".
That's A Wrap
Well round two is tonight and we are headed to my favorite place to film. The Pit.....the lighting is the best. I like our chances, we will see how things go, and hopefully it's a win for the Bulldogs.
If you see us at the game give a shout or a wave. I hope we are still alive after tonight, if so we could be headed to 'THE RESERVATION' home of the Riverdale Warriors. Until next week.
God bless and Take Care.
From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers” Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Football Stars For Tomorrow -
It's what works for you
It's tough when a good guy gets his papers
Success is measured in so many ways
Well it's time to start the season over. It's Friday, and we are short on time away from kick off. After tonight only 16 teams will be in the race to Murfreesboro. Let's jump right in and get going.
It's what works for you
"Do it your way".
One of the things that I love about Golf is that the people who are really good will tell you to do what works for you. I have many friends that chase the white ball and all of them do things differently. But they all say, if it's comfortable and it works, go ahead and continue. You will always find someone that will say 'Hold it this way or pull through it this way etc..'. Yet when you look at them they usually aren't that good to begin with in the first place.
My dad always had a list of chores for us to do everyday in the summer. The list never told us exactly how to accomplish each task, he just wanted them done. It's kind of like this, whether you win on a trick play or it's just by basic football. The best part is that you won and did it your way.
I heard some fans last week claiming we were cheating because we ran the play clock down each time before the snap. I don't think it says anything in the rules about milking the clock. I hope that team gets to play Riverdale again, those guys can milk a clock just like a cow. I think Frank Sinatra cut a song about that called "My Way".
It's tough when a good guy gets his papers
Well this week brought about some changes in the world of high school football. Some teams did not make the playoffs and so some coaches were told that their services were no longer needed. It's tough when a good guy gets his papers, but at the same time it is probably what is best.
I don't want to work for anybody who isn't going to have my back or doesn't really care if I stay or go. There are a lot of fine young men who end up loosing their starting position or are just told that they aren't cut out for football. That is tough to deliver and tough to accept.
Even I have had to deliver bad news and had to accept it. The part you need to remember is to always do the right thing. I promise it will all work out. You gotta keep the faith.
Success is measured in so many ways
Success may not come out like you think it does. Sometimes it comes in forms that we didn't imagine could happen. Some people think it is how much money that you make. Some think success is how many games you win. Some people think it's all about the job that you get.
Success is the completion of anything intended. In other words, success is finishing what you planned to do. If you set out to catch a pass and you do it, then you succeeded. If you set out to get the first down and you get it, then you succeeded. If you do a bunch of these in a game you have a better chance of winning.
The following quote below comes from Einstein: "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value".
That's A Wrap
Well we play Cookeville tonight. The ironic thing is that they have the exact same record as us which is 7-3. Now they didn't play the same teams as us, but they are a hard nosed running football club. They plan on running it right down our throat. Pass versus the Rush. I like our chances and I am pulling for all Region 4-5A clubs tonight. Kickoff is a little earlier @ 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. at the Dogpound.
If you see us give a shout or a wave. Until next week.
God bless and Take Care.
From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers” Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Football Stars For Tomorrow -
Why is it you only learn when you lose?
Are you frustrated when people don't take accountability?
Give a little respect to what you are watching
What a game last week (for those of you who watched). Now on to this week, I have 3 topics so let's get going.
Why is it you only learn when you lose?
I was listening on Saturday morning to the coach's show and the statement above kept jumping out of the speaker. Coaches always say "We learned a lot from that loss". What? You never learn when you win? I think when kids, coaches and even you stop learning, you actually stop growing.
Everything is a test in some way. We all learn from our mistakes and trials, but we never say after we won a big one "I learned so much in winning this game tonight". Think about that a moment.
Moment is up, let's move on.
Are you frustrated when people don't take accountability?
This one right here can really drive you crazy. There are players, coaches, teachers and even people who have nothing to do with football that just will not be held accountable for anything.
It is tough to handle these people, but you know where you stand with these individuals. Usually you do as little as possible with or around these folks.
I always read quotes of players when they lose a big game. You can tell a lot about what kind of person they are when they open their mouth. Watch how they respond to questions on the topic of wins and losses.
Give a little respect to what you are watching
If you get a chance to watch an athlete grow up from a kid to a man, you have so much more respect for their skill set.
I have watched Sonny and Rod since they were kids playing this crazy game. But I have always respected the work that went into the product.
A lot of folks can easily draw an opinion of somebody playing, but really have no respect to where they have been or the time it took to get to the spotlight.
It's kind of like me with videos. People in the beginning have no idea the amount of time that goes into making a highlight video. For every game that I cut to make a video, there are 3.5 hours of work. This web site took a lot of time for my brother to build. The kids who play those 75 to 120 plays on Friday nights put a lot of hours into getting to that snap.
I think fans lose perspective of the work that makes it all go. If you look real close it's the same people that refuse to learn whether they win or lose. Look closer and you will find that they are never held accountable for anything.
That's A Wrap
Last game of the regular season is tomorrow night.
We lost a close one last Friday and realized at the end of the day they are beatable. If it all plays out, we could see them again a month from now.
Kickoff is slated for 7:30 @ Wilson Central.
If you see us at Wildcat field give a shout or a wave. Until next week.
God bless and Take Care.
From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers” Football Stars For Tomorrow -