Tuesday, December 18, 2007

BEHIND THE LENS - December 18, 2007 -

Football Stars For Tomorrow - www.storkmontgomery.com

Clock Watching
Changes in Coaching
49 Days until National Signing Day

Well, I guess most of you know by now that we won. It was a lot of fun watching the Dogs win. I've got three topics, let's roll.

Clock Watching
Clock Watching, knowing the train is close to its last stop. As the game started and rambled through the quarters, I saw myself "Clock Watching". I was letting my mind run with all the different memories I had experience with this group of young men.

At halftime I ran into several media personal and coaches only to hear them say 'You play the second half like the first and this one is over'. As each minute ticked off, you could start to feel victory.

I have been on the other side of this coin, wishing the game would end from a punishing perspective. It's different when your ride ends from a loss versus you actually bringing the ride to a close yourself.

We played every game they would allow us to play. This weekend arrived quickly, only to realize I felt like I needed to be preparing for a game. I stared at my watch several times, thinking that I needed to be somewhere or that I was running late. Oh well, I will get over it.

Changes in Coaching
This time of year always brings about a lot of changes when it comes to coaches. All the opening remarks are the same. "Here at the University of XYZ we are pleased to announce ________ ____________ as the new head coach of the fighting __________." Only to be followed up by a speech from the new leader explaining about just how happy he is to be a part of the program. The whole thing is so planned and canned right out of a template from a book called "Departures and Arrivals for moving coaches".

Back over at the program where this great coach left is a monsoon of negativism. Fans get on message boards and rip the guy who was once their leader. Then, the search begins for a new coach. Names begin to fly and the hunt is on. I have lived this experience from a basketball perspective and I must say that it's tough to let go.

In college and high school football the coach is the main character of the sport. In professional sports the coach is always secondary to the athletes. This person is person is either in the hot seat of basking in his new contract.

In my opinion your coaching success is only measured by the last game or season you just coached. The fan on the other hand only looks at the present. They may ramble about the past, but they measure the future based on the present. If your coach leaves for a bigger program you should be proud and wish him well, regardless of how you emotionally feel.

At times I think it is more of a "you" problem. We never consider that some people love to take chances or enjoy starting over. Whether it is a job or a place you live, people just don't stay in one place very long. It is what it is.

49 Days until National Signing Day
Well, only 49 days left until the official day arrives. The day high school seniors execute an agreement to play football. Everybody needs to be patient. Your son may not sign on National Signing Day. You need to be prepared to pursue a different road to arrive at your destination.

I recently received an email from Steven Hensley. He was so thankful for all we did to help him get to his dream school, the University of Tennessee. He didn't sign with UT on National Signing Day, he took the hard road and walked on. He was playing at a smaller school, but wasn't satisfied. He wanted to be a VOL. He is not on a full ride, but they do pay for some things towards his education.

There is a lot of recruiting left and each individual needs to decide what's best for them. We don't always get what we want, but I put the question back to you. How bad do you want it? Steven Hensley wanted it bad.

That's A Wrap
Sorry for the delay, things have been hectic here at the office. I hope to get something out between now and the end of the year.

But I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Thanks for reading this rag.

Once again congrats to THE DOGS on BACK 2 BACK state championship victories. Until next time.

God bless and Take Care.

From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers”

Football Stars For Tomorrow - www.storkmontgomery.com

Friday, December 07, 2007

BEHIND THE LENS - December 7, 2007 -

Football Stars For Tomorrow - www.storkmontgomery.com

The Past

It's been a different kind of second trip as we approach Saturday...time now 7:25 p.m. on Friday night. I don't normally write this late, but my mind has had so many mixed emotions and past memories. I've got three topics, let's roll.

The Past
When I first got in to what I am doing, I did not really know where all this would take me. You have to imagine, this all started with youth football. From my vision of ideas in 1998 until the present moment, it has been an extreme learning experience. An experience from the past, where I learned how to do what it is that I do, which is capture the video on Friday night.

Just like these kids, they learned how to line up and take a snap, block, catch passes and grow up. I was taking my hits learning how to get them on film. We both grew together. I can still remember first seeing Sonny Gray on film. I can remember when he played at Austin Peay at the all star game. I can remember walking into Rod and Marsalous' house for the first time and saying "We're going to a combine, let's go".

I've met some wonderful people along the way. But each and every moment I look back upon, I always had Tyler, Sonny and Rod. I know from the videos in my library, the memories will never fade. But as I press record next season, I will realize a part of my past has died. I will never be this emotionally close to a group of young men.

Okay, put your tissue...let's move on to the next topic.

Friendships are all about trust.

I should know that anybody who has read all the BTL's and has watched each player's video, we have been real close to the pulse of their lives.

The friendships you make from playing football are different from any other sport. I mean, heck, with golf you are all by yourself. With Tennis you are all by yourself until you play doubles. Cross country it is just you and your legs...been there done that. With Basketball there are five, but with a couple of players out of five, you can still win games. Baseball, little bit of "D" and a 94 m.p.h pitcher you can win a lot of ball games..."Slingin' Sonny Gray". But when it comes to football, it is the hardest, most popularly televised and embellished sport here in America. The second biggest event we watch is the NFL draft. The first, of course is the Super Bowl.

You have to have a tight bonding friendship with all your teammates in order to play this sport. There is no possible way you can be a loner and a teammate. The more games you play together, the tighter the bond. You begin to know where each other is and where each other goes. Your pats on the backs, your hand to pick a teammate up of the ground, or to give a ride home after practice becomes a conversation of friends talking about a game they all love to play. That's high school football and friendships. They all watch the big guys on Saturday and Sunday and dream about being there only to realize they are there for the second time around...

Whatever you do after tonight guys, remember all the moments you had together and the bond of fellowship that you developed through playing this sport.

Many of you know that Tyler, Sonny and Rod have ridden this ride with me from start until now. Tomorrow night will be the last time I film the three on the same field wearing the same uniform.

It started in middle school and it ends here. No, it's not goodbye from a support, life...blah, blah, blah...it's goodbye for the final cut. I probably have over 70 games on tape of you three playing together. We've won and we've lost and believe you me, at times I remember the losses better than the wins, but man we've had fun.

And each and every time you have blocked, punted, passed, kicked and ran (of course scored), I got it all. The best part about it is you shared yourself, your emotions and your life with me through it all. Thanks.

That's A Wrap
Well, tomorrow night we head to Floyd stadium over at the campus of MTSU.

To those of you that don't know, I'm scared of heights. Press boxes never have bothered me. I can walk over to the edge and look down and be alright. But put me up at the top of the stadium, it's a little different. Oh well...my eyes will be focused on the game.

I think it would be hard to give shout or a yell to me if you actually saw me at the top. But if you catch me going toward there don't ever forget to say "Hi".

Go Dogs Go!

God bless and Take Care.

From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers”

Football Stars For Tomorrow - www.storkmontgomery.com