Friday, October 26, 2007

BEHIND THE LENS - October 26, 2007 -

Football Stars For Tomorrow -

Being Cocky vs. Being Ignorant
Parody in NCAA Scholarships
Ref made the wrong call

Well it's finally here RIVERDALE vs. SMYRNA. We all have waited one year for the rematch of this game. I have three topics, so let's jump right in.

Being Cocky vs. Being Ignorant
The message board here in Middle TN has been busy with all kids of predictions, trends, match ups and just plain ole ignorance.

Back in the Day O smack talk was done, but only during the contest. It very rarely got out of hand. In today's age of internet and message boards you can make any statement and the whole world can view your post prior to the contest.

I like some of it, and the rest I can do without. I like talking about the basic who, what and why. But I am not really into "my team is better than yours". I like hearing the keys to winning the game and understanding the philosophies of the coach's mindset. But I can do without somebody posting "We will beat you bad Friday Night".

Back in the day, I can remember when Rex Chapman would tell something like this; "Hey next time down I am going to dunk right over you" and he would. Was he bragging or being cocky? I don't know, but boy he could back it up.

Enough said.

Parody in NCAA Scholarships
The accountability in scholarships for each university is going to really show up over the next few years.

If you haven't heard, each school has so many scholarships they must maintain and all of the kids must graduate in their set year. If a college kid leaves for the NFL after his junior year, that specific school will not be able to re-fill that scholarship until two years after his departure. It is simple to visualize, but hard explaining it on paper. Bottom line is the kids that are recruited this year need to stay in school for their allotted time and graduate.

This will cause a ton of parody. In my opinion, it will give those teams that follow the law of NCAA and added advantage in the years to come. Don't be surprised if you see some teams that are flying high today begin to sink soon. Enough said.

Ref made the wrong call
We have touched on this a couple of times, and I was speaking with several people about high school officiating. Personally I don't have a problem with the calls that are made on the field. Tennessee refs have been told that if they see it, "call it" but don't assume that you thought you saw it. In other words, be certain if you throw the flag.

It is a tough job wearing those stripes in all sports. If you think that you yourself would like that abuse then get involved. All you have to do is take the courses and pass the test. I warn you though, it's like filming games, and it's not a needle mover when it comes to income. You do it because you love the game.

That's A Wrap
Well tonight is going to be wild. We are the Comcast feature game of the week. WGNS will be there and you can also listen live over the internet.

It should be interesting dialogue in the press box. This is also Senior night and that means a lot those kids playing in the last regular season home game. I was thinking about how time flies from 1998 when my son played his first game of organized football. Tonight's his last home game at the Dog Pound. It has been a great ride. I have been told by many that nothing lasts forever and all things are temporary. I now understand some of those things that my wise old friends have shared with me.

On another note, this is the beginning of other things. My future wife to be (getting married on November 17th) will get to see this classic battle for the first time in hear life. Oh well, some things end and some things begin.

I hope all of you can tune in one way or another to this game, and we will see what happens. If you see us at the game, give me a shout or a wave. Until next week.

God bless and Take Care.

From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers”

Football Stars For Tomorrow -

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

BEHIND THE LENS - October 23, 2007 -

Football Stars For Tomorrow -

Defensive Captain
The adrenaline rush of coaching
NCAA Rules and Clearinghouse

Everything is great as we just finished up WEEK 8. I have three topics, so let's not waste anytime and jump right in.

Defensive Captain
I have never written about this role, so I thought I would take a stab at this one. "Defense wins titles and Offense wins games". I always thought this statement was true, but now I am totally convinced there is more to defense than just calling a set or formation.

I will be the first to tell you that I know nothing about the stunting of defense. I like listening to the coaches call it from the press box. But I really think that the key is the captain and how he directs the other teammates. It's not just about saying the defensive jargon; it has to do with the emphasis the captain puts on everybody doing their job.

Leaders who command with authority get results. If your defensive captain is just spitting out the call then you will never win a championship. He must make the call with fear and authority. But it is also up to him to execute above and beyond everybody else. After all, he is the captain.

I called a game the other night and the opposing quarterback was carrying the football on the run like a loaf of bread. The coach never told the team to go for the ball and the captain never said anything either. I am of the humble opinion that somebody has to see these little things in order to make the big plays.

Oh well, enough on observations of the game.

The adrenaline rush of coaching
Coaches who actually call those wild defensive stunts or great offensive plays love the rush it gives them when it works.

The see the weakness of the opponent over the course of several plays, then they make a call that ultimately capitalizes on that specific weakness. This the true commission coaches receive by doing what they do. The money or wage factor is only huge when you coach for some private school that has more money than Wal-Mart.

You can often hear coaches say "let's run this one, it's been wide open that last few plays". These guys just snicker when the weakness unfolds and a small defect becomes a huge score or pickup.

It is their play calling that makes this unfold on the field. The players just need to execute what is being transmitted from the press box at the top.

NCAA Rules and Clearinghosue
We have posted the PDF file up on the site that explains the actual "dos" and "don'ts" of how you actually get into an institution of higher learning. These are the guidelines of being eligible and accepted.

You need to get with your counselor and coach at your school to make sure you have done your homework. If you are a senior and have not yet taken the ACT or SAT, the last time to be eligible is approaching fast.

I was recently talking with someone had not done his clearinghouse paperwork nor had he taken the ACT/SAT. He was worried about a video. I quickly told him "get your house in order, and then come see me".

You can email me if you have any questions regarding the NCAA Rules and Clearinghouse topic; it's not that difficult to understand.

That's A Wrap
Well enough of the topics.

I would like to apologize for the late post as I actually wrote this last Friday but did not email it to the webmaster until today.

By the way, we beat La Vergne by 3 points, but my stomach is still over at La Vergne's Freedom Field. The Wolverines were in a great position to win, but the kick was a little off.

Oh well, we will make the deadline for this week. Promise.

God bless and Take Care.

From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers”

Football Stars For Tomorrow -

Friday, October 12, 2007

BEHIND THE LENS - October 12, 2007 -

Football Stars For Tomorrow -

Choose your own path
Know your limitations and do what you like
Have fun and enjoy

Well Region 4-5A was off on fall break last week, so we all won! But now this is where the rubber meets the road. The second half of the season, they all have meaning from now until the end. I have three topics to ponder, so let's jump in and get going.

Choose your own path
Sometimes I get calls from parents asking me my opinion on what Joe Johnnie ought to do when it comes to playing sports. His mother wants him to play baseball and his daddy wants him to play football.

I always end up in one of these debates every year. I always say "Put Joe Johnnie on the phone". After all it's his career and he needs to be the one to choose.

I think a lot of parents get wrapped around the axle on which direction to point the compass. At the end of the day Joe Johnnie needs to chase his own dreams and plot his own course.

To the adults that read this rag, think back to the DAY O when your dad wanted you to pursue a career in farming. That is one thing that my brother and I always had the same opinion on, if all else fails, sell the farm first. We both quickly learned that farming was not in any of our future plans.

Know your limitations and do what you like
Whatever you do in life always try to find something that suits you. If you are not happy with the current status, then you need to work on change.

If you are an offensive lineman and would love to play on the defensive side of the ball, then work on it. I mean you can't switch in the middle of the season, but you can plan your change for the end. Everybody wants to play Quarterback but we all can't play Quarterback.

It is no different in the real world. There are certain people in the company that you work for who are born leaders. Then there are some who just need to be sacked. When I was young I always wanted to be a manager, not anymore. I know my limitations, I know what suits me and I love what I do.

Show me somebody who loves their job, happy with their family and more than likely I bet they are successful. Show me someone who is miserable with their job and all the opposite things will follow from the above statement.
The end of this topic is the same as the beginning. Know your limitations and do what you like.

Have fun and enjoy
Ole Notre Dame finally beat the Sisters of the Poor. If you look real close at the UCLA vs. Notre Dame game you will see that I was the one playing Quarterback for UCLA :-).

I don't mean on Notre Dame, but you guys are way too serious about reality. When the season starts in the tank and things start to fly out of control, you need to make the best of it. If you keep riding yourself and your teammates because of the losses that are piling up, it's only going to get worse.

Morale is a big part of success. Reality is in the topic above. If your coach keeps yelling and screaming when the record is 0-6, then he is not much of a coach. As a coach you need to settle things down and tell the kids that life goes on.

I have a great friend who played college football for four years. He won one game. This guy's morale was still solid even though his team only won one game in four years. All of the coaches that directed that team are no longer coaching. They took it way to serious. The definition of coaching is not to yell and scream. The definition of a true coach is the ability to raise a participant's normal skill level to a higher one.

If your season is spiraling out of control, try to smile and have fun. I promise that things will get better.

That's A Wrap
Well that's a wrap.

All of the rest of the games really count big from here on out.

We got Oakland coming into the Dog Pound tomorrow night and if we play Bulldog football then we should be OK. The weather has changed and is a little more like football. It will be a crispy one tomorrow night and I look forward to capturing all the highlights. Until next week, be good.

As always, if you see us at the game, give a shout or wave.

God bless and Take Care.

From Behind The Lens.
The Stork
“A man who truly delivers”

Football Stars For Tomorrow -